Everything You Need to Know About Condo Inspections

November 17th, 2020

Have you started scoping out the real estate market in search of the best offer on condos? Looking for a home in San Diego is no piece of cake; however, it is doable as long as you’re cautious and acquainted with the details of property purchase. For example, a condo inspection is an integral part of the process, as it helps you stay on the safe side and make the best decision.

Learn the ins and outs of this important step in your condo buying experience. Get to know the condo inspections 101 so that you can protect your investment and make sure that you’ll be happy with your purchase for many years to come.

What do they look for in a condo inspection

Should I get an inspection on a condo?

Condos may make your life easier than a family home in the long run but it doesn’t mean they can’t be just as riddled with maintenance problems and pending repairs. Not only should you check for the things to be cautious about when picking out a condo, but it is also a good idea to hire a professional inspector.

An inspection will provide you with an added layer of security and put your mind at ease. It gives you an insight into the true state of the unit, as well as into what your potential upkeep expenses would be. This way, you’ll know exactly what to expect and whether the owner is asking for a fitting price.

What do they look for in a condo inspection?

Condo inspections should be thorough, so they don’t let anything slip through the cracks. Check the details with your inspectors by asking them these ten important home inspection questions. Here you’ll find information on what an interior and a full inspection typically include.

Interior inspection

Your assessors will look for:

  • Wall cracks
  • Sloping and sagging floors
  • Signs of damp and mold
  • Bad odors
  • Door and window malfunctions
  • Faulty electrical wiring
  • Problems with plumbing
  • Clues to previous water damage
  • Water pressure
  • The condition of the attic

Complete inspection

You can also opt for a full inspection of the condo, which typically involves:

  • The functioning of heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC)
  • Wall cracks or warping
  • The state of the roof
  • Damage of parking lots and sidewalk
  • The condition of patios
  • The maintenance of common areas, such as the lobby
  • Test for the presence of radon
  • Look for inadequate repairs
  • Check the stairs

What can a buyer ask for after inspection?

After you’ve received your inspection report and concluded what the state of your prospective home is, you can try to discuss what repairs, if any, have to be done. Since most condos will have at least an issue or two, there will probably be something to negotiate with the present owner. In some cases, the seller will take care of them on their own but, more commonly, they’ll offer you repair money.

As it is probably not realistic to expect the seller to solve all of the problems, focus on the ones that may be deal breakers if not cleared. Since condo inspectors usually don’t give repair cost estimates, you should reach out to your realtor for these. The realtors will likely be able to put you in touch with contractors, who’ll tell you the closest estimates.
What can a buyer ask for after inspection

What realtors offer the best condos across San Diego?

Have you started searching for your new Harborview home? Consider what you must have in your new home and how important the neighborhood is when house-hunting, as well as other crucial questions. The dedicated team at The Neuman Group can advise you on these and other real estate matters thanks to our decades of experience.

We understand how high the stakes are for buyers and what a life-changing decision buying is. For this reason, our team is committed to walking you through the process with a steady hand. We strive to bring you a smooth and enjoyable real estate experience from the second you first come to us to the moment you get the keys to your new residence. Contact us and start packing!

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